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Showing posts from September 2, 2009

Altium Designer Summer 09 Build

Altium Designer Summer 09 Build 1.6 GB Altium Designer Summer brings significant new and enhanced features to unify the design process, make project management easier, expand access to FPGAs and improve design productivity - helping you create a return on your innovation and stay ahead of today's complexity with the latest technology. Design Insight, for example, makes project navigation through complicated design projects faster, easier and more intuitive. Automatic previews and context-sensitive navigation allows you to preview documents and trace nets without having to physically open multiple schematic, PCB, or text documents - a real convenience and timesaver! More flexible generation of output files and documentation allows better data management and design collaboration for your projects with Multiple Output Publishing. That’s what Altium Designer is all about – freeing you from the constraints of traditional design limitations and the old "divide a...


DownStream Technologies BluePrint-PCB 180 MB Automate the PCB documentation process, all while increasing its detail, streamlining distribution, and easing the entire process....PCB documentation is a critical part of the design chain as it defines the specifications on how an electronic product is to be built. The more detailed the documentation the less likely manufacturing mistakes will occur. It also ensures that repeat builds of the same product are consistent and makes final inspection easier with less chance of unit rejection or shipment delay while waiting for assembly deviations to be approved.BluePrint is a dynamic new solution, developed in the style of Microsoft Office that quickly creates electronic drawings to drive PCB fabrication and assembly. BluePrint “knows” it is creating a PCB document and imports PCB CAD data to automatically create and intelligently link PCB Views, details, document notes, external documents, URLs and multi-media content. The result i...

MapleSoft Maple 13

Maple R13, The Essential Tool for Mathematics Modeling 270 MB Redefining Usability Maple’s Smart Document Environment is an intuitive user-interface that automatically captures all of your technical knowledge. It has many built-in tools to assist you in analysis and solution development. During this brief demonstration, you will see firsthand how Maple’s easy-to-use equation editor, context menus, palettes, and other interactive features allow you to start creating solutions – fast. Download

WaveMetrics IGOR Pro 6.0.5


Synaptris IntelliVIEW Designer v4.1.0.24


Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio 2008 R2 x86


HDL Works HDL Design Entry EASE


Quartus II 9.0 Design Suite


PADS PCB 2007.4


AWR Microwave Office 8


Proteus Professional v7.2 SP6


WinCC Flexible 2008


Citect SCADA V6.0 FULL


pctex v6
